The Dhaka Times
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Ershad's alleged last announcement: will not go to the election!!!

The Dhaka Times Desk The Jatiya Party has announced that it is not going to the elections. Party Chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad announced this on Tuesday. However, there are doubts about how long this announcement will last.

H. M. Ersad

Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad said that Jatiya Party will not go to the elections due to lack of electoral environment. Jatiya Party has ordered those who have nominated to withdraw their nomination papers.

Ershad said, "If all parties do not participate in the election, the Jatiya Party will not participate in the 10th National Assembly election."

Jatiya Party leaders have submitted their nomination papers to participate in the election on Monday, the last day of submission of nomination papers. In response to a question from journalists, he said, 'I will withdraw the nomination papers of the candidates of the Jatiya Party. And by picking it up I will prove that I have kept my promise.'

Ershad also said, 'I have said earlier that I will not go to the elections unless a fair environment is created. I withdrew from the election because there is no environment now.'

Hussain Muhammad Ershad Said, 'Many people say that I speak one thing in the morning and one thing in the afternoon. But you have to understand why I say it. I am surrounded on all sides.'

Regarding the participation of Japa leaders in the cabinet, he said, 'I hope they will leave the cabinet. But it has not been decided yet.'

In response to a question from reporters, however, he assured that this will be his last position. He also requested that no one write anything mocking him.

It should be noted that this leader of Jatiya Party gave one speech at a time. Say never choose. Sometimes they say there is no choice. That is why the countrymen always make fun of his statement.

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