The Dhaka Times
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Finally, Ruhul Amin Howladar opened his mouth: Ershad is sick! Not detained!

The Dhaka Times Desk After a long period of speculation, General Secretary of the National Party Ruhul Amin Howlader He told the press conference that he went to CMH to see the party chairman and there he saw Ershad sick, Ershad is not detained, he went to CMH for treatment.

Ershad Sick Hawlader

Ruhul Amin Howladar, in response to a question from reporters about Ershad going to CMH under RAB guard, said that he is a former army chief at the same time. Former President of Bangladesh So he has a protocol and as such he went to CMH with the protocol.

On the other hand, many people assumed that Ershad was arrested for going to CMH with RAB at the time when Quader Mullah was hanged for war crimes all over the country. At that time, however, several leaders of Jatiya Party said that Ershad had been arrested.

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