The Dhaka Times
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Ershad's son Erich apologized for not coming!

The Dhaka Times Desk Erich apologized to his father Ershad. Because he left home without telling her.

Ersad & Eriq

Ershad could not answer such a question of his son Erich. The former head of state became emotional. The news media gave such news. According to the family, after asking Ershad this question, Ershad got confused. He wipes his eyes again and again as if to answer the question of his baby son and says, I did not call you because you were sleeping. However, the child Erich warned his father, so that it does not happen again.

Erich was asleep when Ershad was picked up by RAB on Thursday. He woke up in the morning and saw that his father was gone. When asked, he was told that he was taken to CMH due to illness. Erich was very upset after hearing this. Later he was told that his father is now healthy. Hearing this, Erich asked the staff to take him to the hospital. Erich was taken to CMH at 8 am. Erich stayed there for about two hours.

It is to be noted that RAB-1 picked him up from home at 12 o'clock on Thursday night. At that time, it was reported in various media that Ershad was arrested. Later it was said by RAB that Ershad is ill and has been admitted to the Combined Military Jail of Dhaka Cantonment. Although there are various whispers between the government side and Jatiya Party about this incident. Ershad himself said through a message that he has been detained.

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