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Researchers say the origin of all animals in the world from Comb Jellie!

The Dhaka Times Desk Comb Jellies are very similar to Jellyfish, but all Comb Jellies are made of jelly, but they are not jellyfish. These comb jellies have been on earth since the first part of the discovery of the existence of life on earth. Recently, researchers tested Comb Jellie's DNA and discovered surprising information. Scientists say that all living things on Earth have evolved from Comb Jelly.


Sea jellies are animals that have life and are covered in a transparent jelly shell, they float up and down the ocean under the influence of gravity in search of food. They are the oldest living creatures, recently University of Miami And The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Its researchers obtained Mnemiopsis leidyi, a species of Comb Jellie from the Atlantic Ocean, and conducted experiments in the lab. The researchers tested the DNA of Mnemiopsis leidyi and obtained surprising information. The DNA of Mnemiopsis leidyi has nothing in common with the animals of the world!

From the data obtained through the DNA test of Mnemiopsis leidyi, it is proved that the comb jelly has somehow developed its own DNA among other animal groups of the world and scientists think that these comb jellies are the main role in the creation of life on earth.

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Source: The Tech Journal

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