The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Chicken Jillapi

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have chick jillapi for you. This item is loved by all. So let's see how to make chicken jelly.

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  • # chickpeas 2 cups
  • # half cup of rice flour
  • Half a cup of # flour
  • # Baking Soda Sikki Teaspoon
  • # water half cup
  • For the syrup:

  • # sugar half kg
  • # water half kg
  • prepared method

    First make sira with half kg of water and half kg of sugar. Then take 2 cups of chickpeas. (How to make chicks from milk - Click this link to know). 3/4 times should be rubbed with the palm of the hand. Mix the rest of the ingredients with water (half cup). Now make holes in the rolled dough with a milkshake packet and shape it on your hand like a jalapeño patch and leave it in the oil. Now fry the red red and then soak in cold syrup. After a while, take it out from the sirah and arrange it on a plate and serve.

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