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Halley's comet caused a famine 1500 years ago!

The Dhaka Times Desk In ancient times comets were considered as ominous shadows. This superstition has no basis in the present age. Recently, scientists have discovered a different mystery. There is good reason to consider comets as ominous shadows. Halley's comet is believed to be the cause of a great famine 1500 years ago.


Ancient people practiced various superstitions. Meteorites, comets, solar eclipses etc. were considered as bad omens. Scientists are trying to link Halley's comet with a famine 1500 years ago. At that time, the atmosphere underwent massive changes and the temperature changed at a significant rate. As a result of which there is a disaster in crop yield. which causes famine. Researchers are analyzing why this sudden change in atmosphere and temperature happened. This disaster is also believed to have played a role in the "Plague of Justinian" that struck Europe in 541-542.

A large amount of atmospheric dust is found within the structure of the ice sheet formed between 533 and 540 AD in Greenland. Not all of this abundant dust is atmospheric dust. Dust of different characteristics from atmospheric dust is found in the ice. Scientists are not sure about its source. They speculate that a comet from outside would be the source. But there is no solid argument behind this other than the dust found under the iced tea. Note that at that time the temperature of the atmosphere dropped to 3 degrees Celsius without any reason.

Halley's Comet is another object of interest to scientists. The comet may have caused changes in human lifestyles, including climate. At some point, the human civilization may have been hit by some part of the comet. But these are guesses. Which scientists are not sure on hard evidence.

Halley's Comet is a comet that appears in the sky every 75-76 years. It is named after the famous English astronomer Edmund Halley. The last comet was visible in 1986. The comet will be seen again in 2061.

References: The Tech Journal, Daily Mail

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