The Dhaka Times Desk The world's most popular smartphone manufacturer Samsung's latest product, Samsung Galaxy S4, has discovered an important security flaw through which users' confidential information can be smuggled!
A few days ago Samsung launched their latest device Galaxy S4 with Knox security system. Knox is a system through which users can keep personal and office data separate on their devices. Samsung said that these data are completely safe through Knox. Users have been using Knox as such but this time the secure Knox has discovered this critical flaw.
Researchers at Israel's Ben-Gurion University discovered the flaw in Knox, claiming that Samsung's security flaw could expose the personal information of numerous users to hackers. According to the university, they have informed Samsung about the matter, and Samsung will take appropriate action.
Meanwhile, smartphone market analysts say that iPhone is currently showing dominance in the smartphone market, if Samsung's weakness is detected at this time, it will definitely affect Samsung's market loss.
Samsung recently said in a statement that they are aware of the issue and will fix it soon, but while it is said to be a serious issue, it is not.
Source: The Tech Journal