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View the Muslim world's holiest and largest cemetery Wadi us-Salaam on Google Maps!

The Dhaka Times Desk You must have heard from your father and grandfather that there is a Muslim Ummah cemetery in Iraq where the grave of the dead is not tormented! Yes, Wadi us-Salaam is the Iraqi cemetery that covers 1,485 acres. This is usually the size of a medium-sized city in a country. Today we will see this cemetery very closely with Google Maps.


Google Maps has made many things easier for us. Where earlier it was not possible to get any idea about the place without going to the specific place, now it is very easy to know and see it sitting in the bed room.


Wadi us-Salaam It means place of peace. Thousands of Iraqis and many Muslims from around the world are buried here. It is the national cemetery of Iraq. This grave is located in the city of Najaf, Iraq. Wadi us-Salaam It is considered as the holy place of the Muslim Ummah.



Wadi us-Salaam is the cemetery that followers of the holy religion of Islam all over the world consider as the burial place of holy people. Muslims believe that wherever a true believer dies throughout the world, his body is brought by angels to the Wadi us-Salaam cemetery. There is no burial of the dead here. The dead will sleep in peace in the Wadi us-Salaam cemetery until the day before the Last Judgment.



Every year 500,000 people from all over the world are buried in this cemetery. He does not know how many people are buried here. People are being buried here for about 1400 years.


Source: Viralnova

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