The Dhaka Times
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Although congratulated, Ershad is not happy to be a special envoy!

The Dhaka Times Desk Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad has been made the Prime Minister's Special Envoy. He also congratulated the Prime Minister for this. But in reality he could not be happy.

Ershad - Rowshan

As soon as the new government was formed, Jatiya Party chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad was appointed special envoy of the Prime Minister in the rank of minister. Ershad also congratulated the Prime Minister for appointing him as Special Envoy. But the matter did not stop there. This issue comes to the grassroots level of the National Party. Moreover, those who were rejected in the election because of Ershad could not take the matter well.

After the appointment of Ershad's special envoy, this issue became more serious. At first it was seen as a conspiracy of the Awami League, but after Ershad became a special envoy, the matter became clear to the Jatiya Party leaders and workers. Everyone understands that Ershad is connected with all the stories that have happened. The Jatiya Party leaders and workers are now almost certain about the admission to CMH and all subsequent matters. They have understood that the government has not abandoned Ershad and Ershad has not abandoned the government.

Now Ershad could not be happy even after becoming a special envoy. There are several reasons for this. Jatiya Party did not get as many ministries as it was supposed to have. Jatiya Party wants at least 3 more ministerial positions. These issues have been heard for the past few days. Although Ershad has not said anything officially yet.

Even though he has been made a special envoy of the Prime Minister at the rank of minister, Ershad wants the status of his requested post to be increased. The former president wants at least the same status as the speaker. Former President Hussain Muhammad Ershad is very unhappy with such hope.

Again Roshan Ershad also supports these things of Ershad. He also wants Ershad's status to increase. He wants some more people from the party to become ministers. The last few days are going on in such a situation. Many people are mainly giving dharna to Roshan. On the other hand, the destitutes are giving dharna to Ershad. They have many complaints.

Things are still not clear though. But it will be clear soon. Because Ershad has not yet faced the journalists. When he returned from Banga Bhavan first to CMH and then to his residence President Park, Ershad was surrounded by reporters but he did not say anything. However, it is expected that Ershad's statement will be available soon. Now everyone is waiting for him.

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