The Dhaka Times
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BNP will go to the upazila elections even if the parliamentary elections are boycotted!

The Dhaka Times Desk BNP will participate in the upazila elections even if it boycotts the parliamentary elections. It is heard that.


It is known that under no circumstances will they allow the ruling party to score in an 'empty field'. This party is going to take a policy decision to 'warm up' by participating in the upazila elections to keep the field under control.

After hearing that Election Commission is going to hold upazila elections soon, BNP is going to prepare for upazila elections from now on. It is known that the 18-party alliance led by BNP will field a single candidate for the post of chairman and vice chairman in each upazila across the country. Soon party chairperson Khaleda Zia will send instructions to the field level leaders to field a single candidate in each upazila for the greater interest of the party.

BNP-led 18-party coalition wants to engage in election war in a planned manner with the aim of achieving huge victory in the upazila elections like the last 5 city corporation elections during the previous government. They have already started the pre-preparatory activities.

It is assumed that Bangladesh is an election-oriented country. There is a lot of disappointment among BNP and 18 party leaders and workers due to not being able to participate in the last 10th National Assembly elections. Moreover, the leaders and activists who are in despair of not being able to resist the 10th parliamentary elections, have already started to move ahead of this election. It has been learned that soon the central leaders will visit the district and give a 'green signal' to participate in the upazila elections along with the movement of the field level activists. At the same time, BNP will clarify the party's position regarding the official participation in the elections immediately after the announcement of the schedule. However, in this case, the party can also take the strategy of giving instructions to the field leaders to participate in the election by saying exclusion from the center.

But everything depends on the behavior of the government. A BNP leader said, a lot depends on how the government treats us. The leader thinks that BNP will not participate in the elections of the current government by keeping the central leaders in jail. Moreover, the schedule for the upazila elections has not been announced yet. After the announcement of the schedule, it is said that the BNP will take a formal decision after discussing the participation in the election at the party forum.

It is to be noted that a decision will be taken regarding the announcement of the upazila election schedule in the meeting of the Election Commission soon. Of course, the election will not be held in all upazilas together. Out of the 487 upazilas of the country, maximum 100 upazila elections will be held simultaneously. . Prior to this, on January 6, 2009, the upazila elections were held on January 22, the year after the formation of the Awami League-led grand coalition government. In that election, the leaders supported by the 18-party alliance led by BNP participated in the election, but in most of the upazilas, those supported by the grand alliance led by Awami League won. However, there are exceptions in local government elections where BNP coalition candidates win more in city corporations and municipalities. BNP leaders were also elected mayors in Rajshahi, Barisal, Khulna, Sylhet, Gazipur, Chittagong and Comilla city elections. Before this only in Rangpur and Narayanganj leaders supported by Awami League won the post of mayor.

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