The Dhaka Times
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Repair the damaged old door very easily with a toothpick! [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk We all have doors and windows in our homes. Doors become weak or loose due to prolonged use. We can easily fix the door using a toothpick if we want!


The doors in the flat have to be opened or closed numerous times. Due to frequent opening and closing of these doors, the frame becomes loose. If you call a carpenter to fix the connection of the frame to the door frame, they will charge you good money for a small job.

You can easily fix your loose door and window if you want. All you need are two things, a screwdriver and some toothpicks!

Yes tooth pick! We use wooden toothpicks to clean our teeth. Today we are going to use these toothpicks for different purposes.

First, identify which doors in your home are not closing or opening properly. After that open all the doors and notice where it connects to the frame. If you look carefully, you will see that somewhere between the angles, the screws have become loose. The connection between the door and the frame has come out. As a result, there is a problem in closing or opening the door.

Now remove the problem screw with a screwdriver. It may not open properly many times. If there is a jam, do not open it easily and keep it with oil for 30 minutes. After that try to open with a screwdriver.

When the screw comes out, clean the rust well. Now insert a toothpick into the exact screw hole from which you removed the screw. Now tighten the screw well with a screwdriver. If it is still a little loose after tightening, loosen the screw again and tighten the screw again with another toothpick.


Now, without changing your expensive frame, the door problem is solved with a little toothpick!

Thank you: Digitaltrends

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