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Correct sleeping posture eliminates physical defects

The Dhaka Times Desk We have all heard bedtime stories or songs as children. As he grew older, he lost his need. Now we focus only on comfort. I lay down as comfortably as possible. But due to physical problems, many people do not sleep comfortably. Our today's event is for them.


When we get into bed at night, we sleep as we wish. According to experts, one should not sleep in this position if there is any physical problem. Different sleeping positions have pros and cons. It is important to determine exactly who needs which.

Here are the responses and solutions for different sleeping positions considering the general physical condition:

Snoring: If someone has snoring problem, they should sleep on their side. This problem is mainly due to blockage of airways. Sleeping on the side keeps the airways open. Recent studies have shown that this problem is more pronounced if you sleep on your stomach. Because everything in the neck and throat is relaxed while sleeping. The tip of the tongue slips into the throat. Which causes obstruction in breathing. A few methods can be used to prevent bed sores. A pocket sewn into the back of the t-shirt can hold a tennis ball. This is an effective way to prevent bed sores. Besides, if you sleep with a pillow wrapped or hugged, it helps to prevent bed sores.

Neck, shoulder and back pain: If you have neck pain, it is better not to lie down. It will keep the neck tight. So in this case it is better to sleep on your side or on your back. It keeps the neck and spine in proper position.

If you have neck pain, you should not sleep on your side. It increases the pain. Excess stress increases pain and disrupts sleep.

If you have back pain, it is better to lie down. It keeps the spine neutral. Keeping the legs straight and parallel with a pillow under the knees reduces pressure from the waist and back. It also reduces waist and back movement. If you prefer to sleep on your back, place a pillow between your knees so that your legs are slightly apart. It will reduce the pain by preventing spinal tension.

Acidity: This problem is more pronounced when you sleep side by side. Sleep in such a way that the upper part of the body is slightly elevated. For this, a pillow can be given under the back or neck. So that the head is higher than the chest and stomach. This causes the stomach acid to move downward due to the force of gravity. Studies have shown that sleeping with the upper part of the body elevated 4 inches lowers acidity than before.

Understand your own problem and practice consciously for a few days. It will become a habit. It will have a good sleep. Body defects will also be removed. A good sleep is very important for the body.

Source: Newsmax

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