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Smartphone use until late at night reduces performance!

The Dhaka Times Desk Advances in information technology have given dynamism to our lives. There has been a huge change in the use of smartphone-tablet as a means of communication. Everything has a bad side as well as a good side. A recent study found that late-night use of mobile devices can impair performance the next day.


University of Washington This is the result of a survey conducted by the Foster School of Business. The survey was conducted in two phases. In the first step, 82 managers A series of surveys were conducted among participants of the designation. This investigation is going on for two consecutive weeks.

In the second step, 161 employees The same survey form is asked to be filled. The survey identified who used mobiles or tabloids late at night. Surprisingly, the researchers found that those who performed tasks that involved checking email late into the night had decreased performance the next day. Late nights are responsible for reduced mobile tabloid performance.

Researchers attribute this decline in performance to both psychological and physiological factors. Head of research team Christopher Barnes "Unfortunately, smartphones are a catalyst for sleep disruption," he said. This is because smartphones keep us mentally engaged in work. Sleep is essential to eliminate mental fatigue after a long day of work. If it is not done properly, the tiredness remains the next day.

The results of the study suggested that employees should not use mobile phone tabloids late at night to maintain productivity. It is recommended to practice moderate sleep. A good night's sleep is essential for a person's performance in general.

References: The Tech Journal

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