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Controversial actress Veena Malik repented to Allah and returned to the light of Islam!

The Dhaka Times Desk Controversial Pakistani actress Veena Malik has told the media that she will no longer act or model. By repenting to Allah, he returned to the path of the light of Islam.


Although this is a surprising incident, it is true Veena Malik will not pose in any film or act in any dirty film from now on. Pakistani model-actress Veena Malik came into the limelight after gaining popularity in both Pakistan and India by posing in raunchy clothes and in raunchy pictures.

In some of her pictures, Veena Malik appeared half-naked in front of the camera with the logo of Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI on her arm. When these pictures were published in FHM India magazine, it was strongly condemned in Pakistan.

Also, Veena Malik came into the limelight by appearing in several pornographic films one after another. Signed to act in some controversial films. At that time, various articles about Veena appeared in the Indian media as well as in Pakistan. There is a storm of condemnation between the Muslims of the two countries.

But this time Veena Malik is in the headlines again but not for a bad reason. Veena Malik is now married and has changed her life by marrying only for the love of her husband. The new husband's name is Maulana Asad Bashir Khan, Vina Malik has now changed her name to Vina Asad Bashir Khan!

Veena told the media, "My husband showed me the light of Islam, he explained to me that it is very beautiful to follow the way of life shown by the Prophet (PBUH) in the path of Allah." I am repenting and will not open the curtain even in my life. I will spend the rest of my life worshiping God.

Veena also says I have given up all modeling and acting. Very soon I will cancel the signed pictures in India. I don't want to go back to that world. Everyone made mistakes, I did too. But Allah is great, He forgives people. I realized my mistake.

According to the latest news, Veena Malik is now staying with her husband in the holy city of Mecca to perform Hajj.

Source: Emirates247, Gulfnews

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