The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Cheese Toast

The Dhaka Times Desk In an exceptional arrangement, today's recipe has cheese toast for you. Now let's see how to make this cheese toast.



  • 1 packet of # bread large size
  • # cheese 250 g
  • # Onion Chopped 4 Tbsp
  • # coriander leaves chopped 1 tbsp
  • # Tasting Salt Quarter teaspoon
  • # Green Chilli Crushed 1 Tbsp
  • # egg 1
  • # baking powder ½ tsp
  • # flour 2 tbsp
  • # is the same amount of salt
  • prepared method

    First, mix all the ingredients together with the cheese. Cut a slice of bread into 4 pieces by making three corners. Now spread the cheese mixture on the bread slices. When all the pieces of paneer are coated, deep fry the pieces in oil. Now garnish and serve hot with tomato sauce. It is a useful item for afternoon snack and children's tiffin.

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