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Yogurt reduces the risk of diabetes!

The Dhaka Times Desk Yogurt helps reduce the risk of diabetes. This information has come out in a recent study.


Eating yogurt and low-fat cheese reduces the risk of diabetes by about a quarter, researchers say. The researchers said that this information came out in a survey conducted on 3500 British citizens.

According to the information received, this information has come out in a long-term health survey conducted on a group of men and women living in eastern Norfolk County. The research team was led by Nita Farrochi of the University of Cambridge. This research report was recently published in the journal Diabetologia.

The researchers said, at the beginning of the study, the men and women recorded detailed information about their food and drink habits. This survey was conducted for 11 long years. Researchers said 753 people developed type 2 diabetes during the study. The researchers found that among these groups, those who ate low-fat dairy foods such as yogurt, cheese, etc., had a 24 percent lower chance of developing diabetes than those who did not eat these foods.

However, it can be seen in the test separately from other foods, an exception has been made in the case of curd. Yogurt reduces the risk of diabetes by 28 percent. It can be seen that people in this group consumed four and a half bowls of yogurt on an average of 125 grams per week.

On the other hand, those who ate yogurt instead of crisps for breakfast had a 47 percent reduced risk of diabetes.

It should be noted that the researchers said that only eating low-fat dairy foods reduces the risk of diabetes. This does not apply to high-fat dairy foods.

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