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The most popular smartphone game Flappy Bird is closing today!

The Dhaka Times Desk Flappy Bird is a smartphone game that has gained popularity among users in a very short period of time Its developer has announced to close from February 10.


Flappy Bird The games are basically Dong Nguyen Created by a Vietnamese developer, it managed to gain massive popularity within a short period of time after it was released on Play Station for download. The game can be scored very low but it is able to create a lot of interest among the users to play the game. The number of downloads tells how the users are interested in the game! So far these games 50 million Downloaded more times.

From the game's advertisement Dong Nguyen now Every day $ is earning 50,000 dollars or about 40 lakh rupees. However, despite the huge popularity of the game developers Dong Nguyen He said that the Games will be held on February 10 Google Play And iTunes Download from As a result, if anyone wants to download the game in the meantime, after that time the game will no longer be available on the server.

Dong Nguyen He said in his official Twitter message, “Dear Flappy Bird Lovers, I have decided to delete the game in 22 hours.” "It is not due to any legal complications, it is my personal decision," he added.

Meanwhile, various media Dong Nguyen Tried to talk to it but failed.

So Flappy Bird Those who like it, whether it is on the server or not, must download it before the dateline, from the links below.

iTunes Link:

Google Play Link:

Source: The Tech Journal

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