The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Hilsa Machli Polao

The Dhaka Times Desk Today there is a fish item in the recipe arrangement. Boil the hilsa fish. It is a favorite item for everyone. So let's see how to cook hilsa machli polao.

Machali Hilsa Pulao


  • # Polao Rice 1 Kg
  • # Hilsa (Large) 1 pc
  • # chopped onion 1 cup
  • # onion batter 2 cups
  • # yogurt 1 cup
  • # mint leaves 2 tbsp
  • # coriander powder 2 tbsp
  • # Raw Chilli Bata 6/7
  • # cinnamon powder 1 tbsp
  • # ginger paste 2 tbsp
  • # garlic paste 1 tsp
  • # lemon juice 2 tbsp
  • # oil and ghee one and a half cups
  • # salt 1 tbsp
  • prepared method

    First, cut the fish into large pieces. Now wash with water and wash well and drain the water. Then knead the onion batter, cinnamon powder, half tablespoon mint leaves, coriander batter, salt, curd, ginger batter, green chilli batter and 1 cup of oil in the batter for 5 minutes.

    Grease a bowl with oil and ghee and keep half aside. If the fried fish is fried with that oil, the remaining half should be taken down with garam masala powder. Put 1 cup of oil and ghee, half cup of onion and 2 teaspoons of ginger, 1 teaspoon of garlic in the pot and fry the rice for a while. Chop the head of the pepper. Cover with 6/7 green chillies and enough hot water. When the Polao becomes thick, arrange the fish and spices on top of the Polao. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Sprinkle the reserved berries and simmer for 1 hour. Arrange on a plate and serve hot.

    Photo: Courtesy

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