The Dhaka Times
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Ershad is in trouble: 'Bala-Trouble' is constantly chasing!

The Dhaka Times Desk Rahu's throat seems to be chasing Ershad. If he takes one step forward, he has to take three steps back. In such a situation, the chairman of the Jatiya Party, the special envoy of the Prime Minister, H. M. Ershad's


Manzoor's murder case was finalized but it was suddenly tied up. Due to which he had to hang in the limbo of that case. Aircraft radar procurement case has also started again. The hearing is scheduled for March 2.

It seems that the more Ershad tries to get out of Rahu's grip, the more Rahu tries to swallow him. Despite being a great partner of the government, it seems that 'Bala-musibat' is constantly coming back to haunt Ershad. It is not possible to say how long he will get relief from this condition.

When asked about this, a Jatiya Party leader said on condition of anonymity that the government that is in power uses Ershad. He has actually become a 'commuter call'. Just as the passenger call takes time to go, it also takes time to come back. He commented that the ruling party took advantage of him (Ershad) by tapping him.

No matter what happens now. Manzur's murder case is being heard again. On the other hand, the corruption case related to the purchase of aircraft radar is also going on. However, leaders and activists believe that one day all Ershad's cases will be over. Then he will do politics independently. You can give your opinion freely.

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