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Example of love: both husband and wife left the world in just 32 hours!

The photo was taken in 1946 when they got married.

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, a couple from New Jersey, USA, husband Michael and wife Olympia, both left the world in just 32 hours. And thus ended their sweetest 67 years of happy married life.

ছবিটি ১৯৪৬ সালে তোলা যখন তারা বিবাহবন্ধনে আবদ্ধ হন।
The photo was taken in 1946 when they got married.

We hear many love stories over time. Plays, movies, stories, poems are also written about them. Today we will learn about a couple from New Jersey whose love story is like a fairy tale, but also incredible!

The couple knew each other since childhood when they used to play together on the street in front of their house. Both of their homes were a block apart at the time. They married shortly after World War II and had two daughters. 94-year-old Michael said to his friend, “radishwas known as His full name is Michael Denettis (Michael DeNittis). he Woodbridge High School It was the main duty person. He was suffering from cancer for four years before his death.


On the other hand, Olympia, who was known to relatives as Lee (Lee), he also suffered from age-related diseases and pneumonia. Her full name is Olympia Denetis (Olympia DeNittis). He used to work in a factory in his youth.

his granddaughter Ann Marie (AnnMarie McDonald ), he stopped eating when his pneumonia got better, he always returned food because he didn't want to eat it. Thus he became very weak and had to be admitted to the hospital again as his body became more emaciated.


Olympia and Michael were never far from each other even as children, and the bond of love between them was very strong. Her granddaughter also said that Olympia wanted her to die before Michael. Because Michael loved life and enjoyed every moment of it. So Olympia was very conscious of her husband's longevity as well as being a dear friend.


But what irony of fate! She preceded her husband in death, at 4:30 am on Sunday morning. But the family didn't want to tell this news to Michael, strangely enough Michael sensed it and told his family that he saw himself dead in a dream. Soon after, he becomes curious about his wife and wants to see her prescription. The next day on Monday at 12:25 PM, Michael also died.

There was never any distance between Michael and Olympia, their bond of love for each other was very strong. They always looked out for their own good and bad. They have many happy memories together. Never thought of leaving one and having the other. If one were to be without, the other would have been very lonely in the world. Maybe God intended something like that.

Even if the two leave the world, the traces of love they leave behind will keep them immortal. This couple on Friday St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church was buried in

Source: NYdailynews

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