The Dhaka Times
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63 lakh rupees due to Facebook posts!

The Dhaka Times Desk Dana Shai, a teenager from Miami, USA, has been fined $80,000 by her father, which is equivalent to 63 lakhs in Bangladeshi taka, due to her Facebook post. He was fined by a Miami court for breach of legal confidentiality.


Dana Shai, a teenager, revealed a secret deal on Facebook. The post read, “Parents win case against Gulliver. As a result, Gulliver's parents have to pay for a trip to Europe." Although they were not going to Europe, the money was basically being paid based on the court judgement.


Dana Shai's father was the headmaster at Gulliver's preparatory school, but Gulliver was not interested in renewing the contract. As a result he sued and won. The condition was that he and his wife would keep the agreement a secret. But he shared the news with his daughter, who shared it on Facebook.


One thing that is clear from this untoward incident is that some awareness is good when it comes to the use of social media. Sometimes its excessive use can cause harm. Also it is not right to exaggerate a subject.

Reference: BusinessInsider

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