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Take fish oil to sleep better!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people have the problem of not sleeping well at night. What do people do to avoid insomnia? A new study has proven that taking fish oil can help you sleep better at night.


Researchers at Oxford University in Britain said that eating omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil improves night sleep. The research Journal of Sleep Research This is published.

Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids, called DHA, are found in marine fish and aquatic vegetables. This ingredient helps to bring enough sleep to our eyes.

The study monitored the sleep records of 362 children. 40 percent of these children had sleep problems. Some of these children were given 600 mg omega three fatty acid capsules for about 16 weeks and others were given normal capsules.


The results of the study showed that those who were given the omega three capsules slept about an hour longer than the other children.

Various ingredients found in the body's internal omega-3 and omega-six fatty acids help induce sleep. Deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids or DHA reduces the amount of melatonin in the body – which causes insomnia.

It is clear that increasing the amount of omega three fatty acids in the body can improve sleep. So people suffering from insomnia should use fish oil in cooking while also eating fish rich in extra oil.

Reference: Newsmaxhealth

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