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Missing Malaysian plane: The plane sank in the Indian Ocean: Malaysian PM

The Dhaka Times Desk After so many days, the Malaysian authorities have given a confirmed news. The Malaysian Prime Minister said yesterday that the plane had sunk in the Indian Ocean. No one survived the plane.

Malaysia Airlines Missing-90001

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has said that there is evidence that the missing plane crashed somewhere near Perth in the southern Indian Ocean and sank. However, the specific 'landing place' of the plane is not yet known, he told the media.

BBC reported that the Prime Minister of Malaysia gave this information citing the British satellite communications sales company Inmarsat and the UK Air Investigation Branch.

Malaysia Airlines authorities have already confirmed this information to the relatives of the passengers in a small message on the mobile phone. "Malaysia Airlines has concluded with great sadness and beyond doubt that MH370 is missing and there is no hope of survival for anyone on board," they said in a statement. According to the data, the plane has sunk in the South Indian Ocean. And so we have to accept this information even if we don't want to.

It should be noted that two weeks ago, after getting the final indication that the missing plane with 239 passengers had been destroyed, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak held a press conference to confirm the matter to the world.

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