The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Chicken Curry with Tomato Sauce

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's recipe has a meat item for you Chicken Curry with Tomato Sauce. This item will be a favorite item for everyone. So let's know how to cook chicken curry with tomato sauce.

Chicken Curry with Tomato Sauce


  • # Chicken Large 1
  • # onion batter 1/4 cup
  • # pepper paste half tsp
  • # Cardamom 4
  • # 4 cloves
  • # ginger paste 1 tbsp
  • # garlic paste 1 tsp
  • # turmeric powder 1 tsp
  • # chili paste 2 tsp
  • # Tomato Sauce 3 Tbsp
  • # coriander batter 1 tbsp
  • # cumin paste half teaspoon
  • # cinnamon 4 pieces
  • # Onions (slices) 4
  • # Soybean Oil Half Cup
  • # is the same amount of salt
  • prepared method

    First cut the chicken into 10/12 pieces. Now mix all the batter with chicken, spices, garam masala, salt and half oil well. Then cover with a cup of water and boil.

    Then when the meat is cooked, heat the rest of the oil in another pot and fry the onions. Now when the onion is fried brown, it should be grated with meat. Now saute with tomato sauce for five minutes. Now cover with half a cup of boiled water and keep it for at least 10 minutes. Now arrange on the table and serve.

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