The Dhaka Times
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A river in China has turned red like blood!

Dhaka Times Desk The scene looks like it's a picture of blood flowing in a big slaughterhouse - but no, it's not a picture of a slaughterhouse, it's a river in China. The water of this river has turned red like blood. The world is shocked by such incidents. News TheTechJournal of


It is known that the people of the world have been stunned because the water of the river suddenly turned red. This river called Yangtze in China is known as the third longest river in the world. The water of this river suddenly turned red on September 6. The appearance of this water looks like a river of blood. There are fish in this river and everything is fine. Boats or ships in the river are running normally. But no one can say why the river water suddenly turned red.

Chine River

Yangtze is the largest river in Asia and the third largest river in the world. Which is called 'Golden Waterway' in Bengali is its traditional name. After the water of this river turned red, some people first brought this water in bottles. The bottle that everyone will think has blood in it. Looks red like tomato juice. Everyone is surprised to see that. The fishermen who were fishing in that river were scared at first. Later, however, they continued fishing as usual. Scientists say that this may be due to environmental pollution. But China is not saying anything about it.

But no matter what happens, there is no doubt that the water of the Yangtze River has turned red. Tourists from different countries of the world will now flock to see the water of this unprecedented river.

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