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Eat watermelon to cure asthma, seasonal cold, tonsillitis, hot or cold fever

The Dhaka Times Desk তরমুজে রয়েছে বহুগুণ। যা মানব দেহের জন্য বড়ই উপকারী। তাহলে আসুন জেনে নেওয়া যাক এই তরমুজে কি কি পুষ্টিগুণ রয়েছে।


Watermelon contains 95-96% of water. Due to which the body falls down in case of excessive diarrhea or vomiting. In that case, watermelon will do a lot of work. And for those who spend extra time in the sun, this watermelon is a beneficial fruit. Watermelon is low in calories and high in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure.


Watermelon being a very juicy fruit also brings great benefits for the kidneys. Researchers say that watermelon reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood. Due to which all diseases including kidney stones, infections are relatively less. For the kidneys to work properly, the wastes of the body are removed at the right time. Due to which the kidneys are good.


Citrulline and arginine in watermelon seeds increase the amount of urea in the liver. Due to which the amount of urine also increases. Due to proper urination, kidney and other urinary problems are eliminated.


Many people suffer from dehydration due to exposure to hot sun. Then it can be seen that the amount of urine has decreased. Again in this case it can also cause irritation in urine. Those who have such problems can peel 5 grams of watermelon seeds and mix them with water in 2 cups of water to make a sherbet. By doing this, the amount of urine will also increase and there will be no burning of urine.

Watermelon is rich in carbohydrates and protein. These carbohydrates and proteins can remove all fatigue caused by physical exertion. If one is suffering from malnutrition without any physical problem then eating watermelon will get benefits.

Watermelon is rich in Vitamin C. That is why watermelon can eliminate problems such as asthma or asthma, seasonal colds, tonsillitis, hot or cold fever, runny nose, osteoarthritis, i.e. joint pain or heat-related sores, boils, etc.

Many people think that diabetics cannot eat watermelon because it is sweet, that is not true. Watermelon's potassium-magnesium powers blood insulin to function properly. So diabetic patients can also eat watermelon. But of course you need to eat in moderation.

If there is a lack of iron in the body, adult people can meet the iron deficiency by eating 200 grams of watermelon per day. As women have more iron problems, they can also fill up iron deficiency by eating watermelon.

Nutritional value of watermelon per 100 grams:

  • # aqueous portion 95.8 g
  • # Iron 7.9 mg
  • # Total Minerals 0.3g
  • # Carbs 3.3g
  • # protein 0.2 g
  • # Calcium 11 mg:g
  • # Food Energy 11 kcal
  • # Vitamin B1-0.02 mg
  • # Vitamin B2-0.04 mg
  • # Vitamin C-1 mg
  • Watermelon being a juicy fruit makes the skin bright and smooth. It can strengthen the skin by increasing proper blood circulation to the skin. And so women can use watermelon in beauty practice.

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