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Iran's Nasir Al Mulk Mosque is like a colorful play of light

The Dhaka Times Desk Whenever we visit a historical site, we see beautiful structures, spiral towers, sculptures or stone walls. But you may not have seen the use of bright and wavy colors.


Iran's Nasir-al-Mulk Mosque is one such colorful structure. Its colorful luminosity makes it attractive and exceptional from other historical structures. Its glass windows are not only the main attraction but the colorfulness of its windows gives it variety.


The geometric patterned tiles are perfectly colored and wavy. Its construction began in 1876 in Siraj, Iran, and was completed in 1888. This beautiful mosque was built by Mirza Hasan Ali of Khwaja dynasty during the reign of Nasir Al Mulk.


The mosque's stained glass windows catch the morning light and play that colorful light on the floor of the mosque. It is called the Pink Mosque for this colorful play of light. That's why many photographers come here every year to take pictures of the colorful lights of this mosque.


The mosque was designed by Mohammad Hassan Al Memar and Mohammad Reza Kashi Paz. Some tiles are decorated in pink color. So suddenly it can be mistaken for a rose garden. The mosque has many historical Islamic monuments.


The fountain in the ablution area of the mosque bears architectural traces of the Iyan Empire. There are few such colorful stained glass mosques in the world, the most notable ones are Masjid al-Aqsa and the Blue Mosque in Istanbul.


The Khazar dynasty ruled Iran from 1785 to 1925. Many Islamic institutions were established in Iran during their rule. They were also cultural patrons.


Siraj is a historical city in Iran. Siraj is called the city of poets, wine and gardens. Two famous poets of Iran and the world, Hafiz and Sheikh Sadi, were born in this city of Siraj. The city of Sheikh Sadi's historical event is also the city of Siraj.


Reference: Borpanda And Wikipedia

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