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Learn about the world's largest mosque made of clay

The Dhaka Times Desk Have you ever seen a mosque made of clay? Maybe you didn't see it. Learn about one of the world's largest mosques made of clay today.

Grand Mosques of Dijeni

We know that the most favorite house of God is the mosque. And this mosque is one of the places of worship for Muslims. Muslims worship by going to the mosque to get the pleasure of the great creator. And that's why there are so many beautiful mosques in the world. These mosques have been built with modern craftsmanship. These beautiful mosques can be seen in different countries. Seeing all these mosques, not only Muslims but also other religions were overwhelmed. The reputation of the architectural mosque is world-class. This beauty is not only for today's modernity, but it has been around since ancient times. There are many centuries old mosques with architectural masterpieces. They still fascinate people.

Among many such mosques, today we will see the largest mosque made of earth on earth. It also has some pretty amazing facts. So let's know about this largest mosque made of clay.

Grand Mosques of Dijeni-02

The world's largest mosque built of clay is located in the northern African city of Dzeni. This large earthen mosque is called 'Grand Mosque of Dzani'. And this is till now the largest earthen mosque in the world.

It is not known when the mosque was first built, but it is believed that this mosque was built in the middle of the 12th century to the 13th century. It is said that after Sultan Kunburu converted and converted to Islam, he demolished his palace and built this mud mosque there.

It is known that there was no written information about this mosque until René, a French tourist, visited this area in 1828. René writes at the end of his visit that there is a mosque made of clay in the town of Dzeni. It is flanked by two spectacular low-rise towers. It is heard that since then people have been interested in this mosque made of clay.

The mosque is built on a platform of 245 feet, 3 feet high. This mosque is located on the bank of Bani river. This platform protects the mosque from the flood water of Bani river during monsoon. The walls of the mosque are made of palm wood, locally known as toral. They are mainly designed with them. Not only the design, but the wood of the palm tree has been embedded in the walls of the mosque in such a way that the earthen walls do not collapse easily. Every year the mosque is renovated by the initiative of the local Muslim community.

If you ever travel to the African region, you will visit the city of Dzeni in the northern part of Africa and see the 'Grand Mosque of Dzeni', a carrier of ancient traditions.

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