The Dhaka Times
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[Breaking] Two trains collided in Ullapara killed 2 injured 12!

The Dhaka Times Desk Two people were killed in a head-on collision between Ekta Express and Dhaka-bound Lalmonirhat train at Ullapara in Sirajganj. At least 12 others were injured. Rescue operations are underway.


A head-on collision occurred between the Ekta Express leaving Dhaka and the Lalmonirhat-bound Lalmonirhat train between 3 and 4 pm on Sunday. At that time, the Dhaka-bound Lalmoni Express train was standing at the station but when the Dhaka-Dinajpur-bound Ekta Express train got on the same line, the collision took place. In the incident, two and four coaches of both the trains were derailed.

Passengers in both the trains quickly jumped out of the train during the incident. However, some passengers were injured and 4 passengers were trapped under the overturned coach. Two of those trapped under the carriage died instantly. The deceased are Altaf Hossain (35) of Harishpur in Natore and Mojibur Rahman (40) of Lalmonirhat.

Already, police, RAB, fire service personnel have started rescue operations at the spot. Ullapara SI Jalil said, "At the time of the incident, the Lalmonirhat-bound Lalmonirhat train was standing at the station waiting for the Dinajpur-bound Ekta Dhaka-bound Ekta Express train to enter the other line. At that time, when the Ekta Express from Dhaka to Dinajpur entered the same line, four coaches of the two trains derailed in a head-on collision."


About 12 more injured in the incident have been admitted to their local health complex. Saidul Islam, Assistant Director of Pabna Fire Service said about the incident, "Due to the collision between the two trains, the Ekta Express train's engine ran over the Lalmony Express train standing on the line, causing more damage to the Lalmony Express."

He also said that there is negligence in the duty of the signalman and station master in the incident. This terrible collision of two trains took place because the train was waiting on one line and the signal was not given properly.

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