The Dhaka Times
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The news of Ershad's resignation: Was it just a rumor?

The Dhaka Times Desk Ershad again after many days. People almost forgot about Ershad. But suddenly rumors spread yesterday that Ershad resigned. The run-jump of the Omni Media neighborhood began. They rushed to Ershad's office and home to find out whether the matter of Ershad's resignation is true or not.

H. M. Ershad

It is known that Ershad was severely criticized in a meeting of the party on Sunday. And that's why he's angry. And from this Gosya or resignation. When these news spread due to online media, Ershad also heard the matter. And so Ershad faced the journalists. He said, 'I am the supreme authority of the party, why am I going to resign?' He also said, 'If I want to resign, then I have to call a meeting of the presidium committee of the party, after discussing it in that meeting, I can resign.'

According to the news about the resignation, Ershad wakes up in the morning and suddenly says that he will resign, he will no longer be the chairman of the party. He had also prepared to go to the Banani office. But he did not go to office. Later he went to Banani's party office around 12 noon and stayed there for an hour.

It is believed that someone may have informed the media about such an attitude. And that is what is going on in the media that Ershad is resigning.

When several leaders of Jatiya Party were contacted, they did not want to say anything about it. He only said that if something happened, you would have known. Better not to write about it unnecessarily.

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