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Hormones of love for the owner are released from the body of pets!

The Dhaka Times Desk When someone is romantically attracted to someone or someone shows kindness to someone, a certain hormone is released from the body. Its name is oxytocin. A new study shows that it is released not only from the human body but also from the body of pets.


It has been known for a long time that dogs are very obedient. This discovery will provide a definitive proof and explanation of this surprising cause. Oxytocin is basically a happiness hormone. That is, if someone is satisfied or grateful to someone, then this hormone is released from the body. Pets especially dogs, goats and cats also release such hormones from their bodies when they are grateful to their masters. Researchers at the University of California identified this information by testing the blood of some domesticated animals such as dogs and goats. They kept the dog and the goat together regularly and watched them play together.


The researchers collected blood samples before putting them back together and then putting them back together. They played and had fun as before. Then take their blood samples again. By taking this blood sample, one can be sure about this hormone in their body. Paul Zak, the head of the study, said, 'The results were quite impressive, in dogs the hormone levels increased by about 48 percent, which is closer to humans, but in goats it was quite interesting. They are also attached to humans. The release of this hormone can be observed in humans when someone falls in love or expresses kindness towards someone.

About 100,000 people donate their blood when they are attached to their pets. That is, blood is taken from their body when they become attached to their pets. This hormone is found by testing the blood of their body. This explains why people are attached to their pets and why pets feel love for their owners.

Reference: TechJournal

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