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That is why dogs become people's 'friends'

Recently a study has been done on this topic

The Dhaka Times Desk Dogs are easier to tame than any other animal, and develop deep bonds with people. Everyone knows this. A few researchers have tried to find out the root cause of this in a recent study.

The research paper, published in the journal Science Advances, states that dogs that are able to form good relationships with people have a genetic similarity to friendly people.

Some individuals have Williams-Beuren syndrome due to mutations in two genes. This is why they are very friendly with other people. Some dogs are able to bond well with people for exactly the same reason.

The research sheds new light on how dogs became domesticated and how dogs diverged from eastern wolves thousands of years ago.

Previously, it was believed that dogs were able to form friendly relationships because they were domesticated animals. But this research shows that dogs behave this way due to genetic reasons.


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