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Know about the benefits of bottled water

The Dhaka Times Desk We drink my various drinks to quench our thirst. But I never think about how much harm they do to the body. We have no idea about the benefits of drinking bottled water without consuming these artificial beverages. Today we will discuss the benefits of Dub.

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These three months of Chaitra, Baisakh and Jaishtya will be extremely hot. At this time we all get tired in the heat. Due to abnormal heat, the body sweats profusely and releases various mineral salts. This makes the body dehydrated. In such a situation, the level of thirst also increases. Hi-Fi to consume something like water or drink. Then whatever is available in front becomes dear to us. For example, soft drinks in the market are considered as our favorite food. To get rid of that heat, we drink these drinks from the fridge. But we do not know how much those drinks benefit or harm the body. Because soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, carbon dioxide, caffeine, sugar, aluminum etc. They mainly harm our body. It also increases cholesterol which means extra fat. In a word, these soft drinks increase our body weight.

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In such a situation you can drink bottled water. It is not an artificial drink. It is a very beneficial drink.

All the salts that come out of the body due to heat must be replenished. That's why our food list includes various types of fruit syrups, soft drinks, canned water. Among these drinks, bottled water is the only exception.

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Canned water is not only limited as a drink, but canned water contains a large amount of salt and various disease-fighting properties. Which works especially in curing many complex diseases.

Benefits of Dub water in curing diseases:

  • # bottled water prevents cholera.
  • # can help relieve indigestion.
  • # canned water helps improve digestion.
  • # Water plays a particularly effective role in de-hydration problems in the heat.
  • # When the body is tired from sweating, drinking bottled water also maintains the body's fluid balance.
  • # Canned water relieves hot itchy, burnt skin or rashes.
  • # bottled water keeps diabetes under control.
  • # does not contain water to maintain good blood circulation.
  • # bottled water also helps in the growth of children.
  • # is beneficial in colitis, ulcers, gastric, piles and dysentery problems.
  • # Canned water can be used as medicine for frequent vomiting.
  • # There is no comparison of bottled water to remove kidney stone problems.
  • # bottled water is rich in vitamin C. Which is very beneficial for our skin.

Photo: Courtesy of

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