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Clean Your Laptop Easily [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk If you are a regular user of a laptop, its cleanliness always worries you. Because you might not want to use a smudged screen, dirty keyboard, dusty vents and ports.


To clean your laptop you need some materials that are easily available at hand. The materials are:
1. A soft clean cloth
2. Dishwashing detergent
3. Compressed air
4. Isopropyl rubbing alcohol

Power off the laptop before starting the cleaning process. Then remove the laptop battery. First, clean the top and bottom of the laptop. The cleaning process is to mix a few drops of dishwasher detergent in a little warm water, then lightly wet a clean soft cloth with that water, squeeze well and drain the water. Now wipe the upper part of the laptop and then wet it again and wipe it again. Finally wipe the wet area with a damp clean cloth. In this way, you can also remove the lower part of the laptop.

Now let's come to how to clean the screen part of the laptop. Because this part is very sensitive. In this case, spray the screen with a can of compressed air. This will remove a portion of the screen dust particles. Now clean the screen like the previous process.


Next, let's clean the keyboard part. In this case, spray air with a can of compressed air along the edges of the keyboard because you can't get any liquid cleaner into these parts. But a lot of dust gets inside this keyboard which can destroy the functionality of the keyboard. After spraying with an air compressor, wipe the top of the keyboard with a clean cloth soaked in a solution of isopropyl alcohol.

Lastly, regarding cleaning the vents and ports below, these parts act like magnets in holding dust. Absolutely no liquid cleaners can be used on this part. In this case you spray well with an air compressor. This clean cleaning of the laptop will not only make it shine but also enhance its performance.

Reference: The Senate

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