The Dhaka Times
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Narayanganj Seven Murders: Police received the video footage of the abduction!

The Dhaka Times Desk The police received the video footage of the sensational Narayanganj seven murder incident. This video footage is found in the mobile phone of the slain lawyer Chandan Sarkar.

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This video was taken during the abduction before the sensational Seven Murders in Narayanganj. The police found this video in the mobile phone of the slain lawyer Chandan Sarkar. DB Police searched the house of the main accused in the case and seized the car and mobile phone of Chandan Sarkar. Video images are available from that mobile.

Bangladesh News24 quoted police investigation sources as saying that the video footage is somewhat unclear. But by having it, the police will not have to rush to identify the accused.

Citing the source, the news also said that when Nazrul and others were kidnapped, lawyer Chandan Sarkar saw the incident. He is believed to have started making videos on his mobile phone. According to the source, lawyer Chandan Sarkar and his driver were also abducted because of filming the abduction video. Lawyer Chandan Sarkar was not a target of the abductors - this is as clear as water to the police.

It has been said about the video, in the somewhat unclear video, some people are seen dragging Nazrul Islam and his associates in a car. This image was captured in just over a minute.

It is to be noted that Narayanganj City Corporation Panel Mayor Nazrul Islam, his friends Moniruzzaman Swapan, Tajul Islam, Liton, Nazrul's driver Jahangir Alam and lawyer Chandan Kumar Sarkar and his personal driver Ibrahim were kidnapped from Narayanganj on April 27. Later, the police recovered the half-melted bodies of 7 people from Shitalakshya river in Narayanganj. An extreme shock has been created across the country with this incident.

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