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Foods that will help relieve your nausea

The Dhaka Times Desk Many have gas and nausea after eating on a small stomach. There are many people who start vomiting when they get on the bus or car. This nausea or vomiting is uncomfortable as well as embarrassing. So you can deal with uncomfortable or embarrassing situations with some homemade spices or leaves. Today we will present some such tips for the readers of The Dhaka Times.


1. ginger

Ginger is one of the most effective herbal remedies for nausea. So you can cut the ginger into small pieces and chew it in your mouth. This will relieve your nausea. Many people cannot tolerate ginger. If they rinse the mouth with a little hot ginger juice, the foul smell of vomit will be removed from the mouth.

2. cloves


Put a piece of clove in your mouth whenever you feel nausea. Keep chewing slowly and you will see the nausea go away from your mouth.

3. mint

You will be enchanted by the lovely smell of mint and your nausea will go away and you will be refreshed. Peppermint juice is a very effective remedy for gastric nausea. So keep chewing mint leaves in the mouth for gastric nausea.

4. cinnamon


Many people like to chew cinnamon. Cinnamon helps in digestion after a heavy meal. So if you have nausea due to digestive problems, you can eat a piece of cinnamon.

5. lemon juice

It is known to almost everyone that sour food causes nausea in the body. Lemon juice contains citric acid which is very effective in relieving nausea. But if it is gastric nausea then it is better not to eat lemon. Moreover, in case of nausea, if you find a lemon tree nearby, you can tear some leaves and dry them. Because dried lemon leaves relieve nausea.

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