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Know when milk is bad for your body

The Dhaka Times Desk Milk is a nutritious food. It contains almost all the elements that are beneficial for the body. But there are many people who have stomach problems after drinking milk. Doctors and nutritionists call it 'lactose intolerance'.


What is lactose intolerance?

Inability to digest milk's own sugar or lactose is called lactose intolerance. In fact, many people's body chemicals cannot digest the lactose in milk.

Why is this intolerance created?

An enzyme called lactase released from the small intestine of the stomach. This lactase enzyme helps in the digestion of milk sugars. But those who are deficient in this lactase enzyme have difficulty digesting milk.


What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is more likely to cause diarrheal symptoms. Also lower abdominal pain, nausea, body discomfort etc. are symptoms of this lactose intolerance. Many people mistake it for irritable bowel syndrome. But this is mainly a lactose problem.

How is lactose intolerance created?

Basically it is an aging problem. As we age, the body's production of lactose decreases. Also due to the growth of cancer cells, lactose deficiency occurs in the body. Moreover, if there are various types of chronic disease or celiac disease such as gastric or piles, the production of lactose in the body decreases. Lactose deficiency in the body can also be due to genetics.


Patients with this problem of lactose intolerance can eat other dairy products. It includes curd, cheese or chickpeas. These will not cause problems in their stomach - said the doctors. Because the yeast in yogurt breaks down lactose in milk and turns it into lactic acid. As a result, it does not cause digestion problems. You can easily eat them as an alternative to milk. Besides, soya milk is the best option in this case. And good thing, chocolate milk cannot be fed in this case.

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