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Recipe: Chocolate Halwa

The Dhaka Times Desk Chocolate Halwa is for the readers of The Dhaka Times today. This item may be an exclusive item for you.

Chocolate gelatinize


  • # semolina 1 cup
  • # sugar 2 cups
  • # eggs 5 hours
  • # ghee 1 cup
  • # gram flour 1 cup
  • # Cocoa Powder 3 Tbsp
  • # Chocolate Syrup 2 Tbsp
  • # water 4 cups
  • # A little bit of cumin and cinnamon powder

prepared method

First, blend sugar, egg, cocoa powder, chocolate syrup and water together. Then heat ghee in a pan and pour semolina in it. Then after the semolina is fried, stir it with besan. Now pour the blended mixture. Now dry the water and when the oil floats on top, mix cinnamon powder, jaiphal and take it off the stove. Now when it is cool, arrange on a plate and serve.

Photo: Courtesy of

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