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A funny ice cream but crocodile eggs!

The Dhaka Times Desk Hearing about the fun ice cream will make anyone's tongue water. Because ice cream is one thing that cannot be eaten without hearing about it. But the ice cream we are talking about is crocodile egg ice cream!

ice cream croc egg

In one of its news, Mail Online gave foodies a strange food evening. And that is crocodile egg ice cream! . A restaurant in the Philippines has brought this strange food to meet the needs of foodies. This ice cream made from crocodile eggs is available in a restaurant called 'Sweet Spot' in Davao City. The restaurant regularly serves other dishes as well as various desserts.

Adjacent to the rental is a crocodile park. Crocodiles are reared in this park for meat and leather production. This skin and meat is sold abroad. But there is no way to utilize the produced crocodile eggs. And so one day the park authorities offered the restaurant owner to buy eggs. The restaurant owner also accepted the proposal. And from that he started making this strange ice cream with eggs. The news of this ice cream spread. Buyers started coming from far and wide. Since then, the sale and purchase of ice cream made from crocodile eggs has been going on.

The owners of the restaurant, Dino and Bianca, claim that crocodile eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs. Moreover, other ingredients for making ice cream like sugar, milk, butter and flavor are also mixed in it in quantity. So it is quite tasty to eat.

You can also eat this crocodile egg ice cream if you want, but you have to go to the Philippines for that!

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