The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Banana Cake

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's recipe roundup has banana cake for you. It is very easy to make. Especially kids like these cakes very much and this cake is healthy too. So let's know how to make banana cake.

Banana Cake


  • # ripe banana 4
  • # milk powder 2 cups
  • # sugar 500 grams
  • # eggs 4
  • # flour 300 g
  • # vegetable oil 100 ml
  • # Bicarbonate of Soda 10 g

Banana Cake-২

prepared method

First take banana and sugar in a bowl and mix well. Then mix well with egg and oil. Now mix all the ingredients except milk first well then mix with milk. Now spread the baking paper on the baking tray. Now take the ingredients and bake at 180 degree centigrade for 30 to 40 minutes. Now arrange on the table and serve.

Photo: Courtesy of

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