The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Mango Pudding

The Dhaka Times Desk Mangoes are abundant in the market during the mango season, and puddings are loved by all. A unique mango pudding can be made by adding mango to ordinary pudding, but it will be unique in taste and nutrition. Let's know how to make mango pudding!



  • Ripe mangoes (blended) 2 cups
  • Half a cup of roasted oats powder
  • Chickpea (bata) 100 grams
  • Condensed milk half a liter
  • Raisins 8/10
  • Crushed almonds half a tablespoon
  • 6 eggs
  • Sugar 2 cups
  • Half a cup of cinnamon powder
  • Cardamom powder 1 tsp



First, cut the mango slices and grind them well in a blender. Mix milk with beaten mango and beat it for a while, then add sugar to it and beat it again. Beat well for a long time.

Take the eggs in a separate bowl and beat them well. Now add chickpea batter, oats powder, cardamom, cinnamon and beat again. Beat well until foamy peaks form.

Now pour the mixture of mango, milk and sugar into the bowl of beaten egg and beat it well again. In that container
To make pudding, heat ghee in the same vessel and fry almonds and raisins.

Then in the pudding pot, burn the sugar a little and caramelize it and cool the pot.

What to do in the oven now:

First preheat the oven at 160 C for 5 minutes. Fill the tray with water and place the pudding pot on it. Keep the pan in the oven for 20-30 minutes and cool it in the fridge. (Those who do not have an oven can use the formula for making pudding in the oven, if you do not know, please comment.)

It turned out to be a great mango pudding packed with nutrients! Now serve chilled.

Check out some sample servings below:



Mango pudding1

Stay tuned to The Dhaka Times for more such great recipes. To see the recipe section of The Dhaka Times Click here.

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