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The world lost 102 AIDS experts in the crashed Malaysian plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 102 delegates were on board the crashed Malaysian plane to attend the AIDS conference. 108 people including delegates and their family members were coming to Australia to attend the conference by plane, all of them died today.


Perhaps the world has never lost so many AIDS experts in this way, several AIDS experts were going to Australia to attend the AIDS conference in Sydney, Australia by Malaysian plane. The 20th International AIDS Conference is scheduled to begin on Sunday in Melbourne, Australia. However, the plane crashed in eastern Ukraine when it was shot down by a deadly missile.


According to AFP, all 298 passengers of the passenger plane were killed. As the news spread, AIDS activists around the world were in mourning. Organizers of the AIDS conference in Melbourne were also devastated.

Meanwhile, the executive director of the United Nations AIDS agency USAIDs, Mitchell Sidbe, wrote on Twitter that many people boarded the plane to go to Australia to attend the conference. Among them were 102 AIDS experts, I am saddened by their deaths.”

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