The Dhaka Times
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Buying things that money can't buy

The Dhaka Times Desk Money is necessary in daily life. There is no substitute for money for a comfortable life. But money doesn't buy everything, it's an eternal truth.

Buying things that

Things that cannot be bought in exchange for money are:

# Immortality:

Should immortality be a wish of anyone? No matter how much money there is, everyone has to bow to death. Every living being has to taste death. Advances in medicine make it possible to replace many things with money but death cannot be conquered, this is an eternal truth.

# time:

Time flows, who can stop time. Even for a lot of money it is not possible to stop the slightest moment. Time teaches us to make the most of every moment to be successful in life.

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# Skills and Knowledge:

Intellectual power is a gift given by the Creator that no one can take away. No one can take away intelligence, thoughtfulness and individuality in exchange for money. It is possible to buy things made with talent in exchange for money. But not to the talent of others. If there is real personality and talent then surely that person will be successful in future.

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# Character:

Character is a behavior that serves as a standard for people. You have to create your own character. It is not possible for a person of bad character to acquire good character for money. People of good character are acceptable to all, rich and poor, young and old. So the saying goes: When character is lost, everything is lost

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# Hope:

The whole world is based on hope. In each case people are filled with hope and prepared for further action. No money is required for this hope, just the will of the mind is enough. People hope in any difficult and bad situation even in the moments before death. Because hope is hope.

# Love:

the love A human feeling that is the source of all great creations. True love can never be traded for money. Love is not only lover-lover, husband-wife love. Love of parents with children, love between siblings, love for work. Love has many forms. Essentially love is a bond that applies equally to all regardless of religion, caste, rich and poor.

# Happiness:

Happiness is the result of effort. Happiness is essentially relative. Happiness is basically self-satisfaction. One cannot be happy by buying happiness with his money. He is not happy because he lacks self-satisfaction even from financial solvency. The easiest way to be happy is to try to do good to others, to respect, to value others' opinions, that is, to try to make others happy, but people themselves will be satisfied and happy.

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