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Sindurmati Dighi story of Kurigram

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Thursday, 24 July 2014 Christ, 9 Shravan 1421 Bangabd, 26 Ramadan 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.


Bangladesh still has many places that carry past traditions. This is one such picture. This is a picture of Sindurmati Dighi in Kurigram.

Sindurmati Dighi is located in Sindurmati Mauza of Panchagram Union of Rajarhat Upazila of Kurigram District. Dighi is a pilgrimage site for Hindus. Legend has it that a man from Sinhalese (Sri Lanka) dug this well to honor Rajnarayan Chakravarti. When his two daughters were born, he named them Sindur and Moti.

After the excavation of Sindurmati Dighi is completed, it is seen that the water is not rising. After receiving the dream, the zamindar organized a puja on Navami. And the puja is organized right in the middle of the excavated pond. His daughters Sindur and Moti were staying at that place. Before the puja was over, suddenly the water entered and the water rose with great velocity and filled the dighi and Sindur and Moti drowned in that water. And hence the name of this lake is Sindurmati.

Over time, the child's name also became Sindurmati. The land area of this dighi is 16.05 acres. In 1975, during the renovation of this dighi by the government initiative, many ancient coins and idols were found which are now preserved in the National Museum.

Big fairs and other pujaparbans are organized in Sindurmati every year. On this occasion, a significant number of Hindu pilgrims arrive from various regions of Bangladesh and western India.

Image and information: Courtesy of

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