The Dhaka Times
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Algae batteries will charge in just 11 seconds

The Dhaka Times Desk A new battery is coming, this battery will run on the power of algae! And with that battery, it is claimed that it is possible to drive not only small devices like iPhone and iPad, but also cars like Tesla.


The battery is also with algae! Although it may seem a bit surprising, you will be surprised to know that algae batteries are many times more powerful than lithium batteries! As a result, the concept of what we mean by batteries may be changing very quickly. Algae batteries are going to take the place of lithium-batteries widely used around the world. Batteries made using algae charge in a very short time and last for a long time. With algae, this method can charge a battery in 11 seconds, no need to wait for minutes or hours.

Meanwhile, so far many scientists have agreed to the work of making batteries with algae. Scientists of different countries have started research on it. There is an international meeting and seminar. Seeing everything, it is clear that something is going to happen with the algae. But perhaps the most workable thing came out of the hands of Adam Freeman, who Freeman claims can run an entire car with a battery.

Its battery is at least 200 times more powerful than current lithium-batteries. Freeman has already opened a research institute named 'Elgas' to further advance the issue. Hopefully, some of these algae-powered batteries are currently being used in China, albeit on a smaller scale.

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