The Dhaka Times
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Watch the strange act of a baby deer [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk A man named Anthony Dean found a baby deer on the side of the road on his way to work in Kentucky and picked it up to safety. But after a while, when he tried to take the baby deer off his lap, it did not want to come down. She wants to be in Anthony Dean's arms.


Anthony Dean is an architect by profession. He is engaged in the construction of various architectural sites. As usual he was on his way from Kentucky to Louisiana to attend to his work that day. On the way he saw this deer in the middle of the road. As an animal-conscious person, he thought of picking up the deer in his lap to avoid any harm to the deer. He was holding the buck and caressing its belly. The cub was also sitting quietly on Dean's lap, quite comfortable with that. But after a while, when he tried to take the buck off his lap, the buck refused to come off his lap. The hands and feet start tossing and turning. So Anthony picked the cub up again and started petting its belly. The fawn sits quietly on her lap. "The condition of the cub looked like it didn't want to leave me," Anthony said. But I was running late for work. The mother of the buck was standing at a distance watching the scene.

Watch the video here:

Anthony recorded this video of the buck's love for him and released it on YouTube. The video has been viewed nearly 420,000 times since its release. Most of the viewers who watched this video appreciated Anthony and his friend the deer.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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