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Scientist's Hand Immersed in Horrible Sodium Acetate [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk A University of Toronto (unnamed) scientist placed his hand in hot ice and turned it into glass-like ice cream. If you've ever wondered about the manipulation of hand warmers that heat up after you bend your hand over the hard flat casing, this video will give you a big surprise too.


A scientist from the University of Toronto, Canada, who placed his hand in a bowl filled with hot ice or molten sodium acetate (sodium acetate) recorded video, which produced glassy granules around his fingers. In no time the man's fingers were covered in a heavy blanket of snow. But instead of getting cold, his hands are completely warm, which the scientist describes as "like taking a bath in hot water." When he finally took his hand out, a block of ice stuck to his hand but he was able to free his hand because the clear coating of ice was still soft, almost like "ice cream".

"The reason it works this way is because the material is not 'ice,'" said YouTube's Nerdreij, an unnamed scientist explaining the process. This is another substance called sodium acetate trihydrate. Normally concentrated sodium acetate was melted into a liquid that was supercooled beyond its melting point.

Under these conditions, the addition of nucleation causes the remaining sodium acetate to rapidly transform into glassy transparent particles such as the glassy transparent coating in my hands”.
This incredible video has been viewed almost three million times so far.


"Hot ice" is made using sodium acetate which is a salt particle. And these salt particles are formed by the reaction of sodium bicarbonate or baking soda and acetic acid or vinegar.

During the process, as the cold matter moves from the liquid to the coagulation barrier, sodium acetate appears in the coagulation barrier as 'ice'. This is an exothermic process (exothermic is a chemical reaction that occurs due to the release of heat). Which means, the niret structure transforms into a light heat to the touch.

The sodium acetate method is used in certain types of 'hand-warmers'. When a metal button is pressed on the plastic pocket-like heater, it releases the chemical and starts the exothermic process. It is this process that causes it to transform into glassy transparent grains and the process starts to generate heat.

Watch the video here…

Reference: Mail online

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