The Dhaka Times
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Now the house is being built for dogs!

The Dhaka Times Desk Can it ever be just people living in houses? Just like houses are built for people, just like houses are being built for dogs!

Homes for dogs

The reason for building houses for dogs is that many people have problems with having pets. Especially those who like to keep dogs have problems. And a Canadian company has taken the initiative to solve this problem. The company has produced several modern campers.

Homes for dogs-2

These campers of different shapes and designs are very portable. The company has designed these houses keeping in mind the food facilities and movement facilities of the puppies. The price of the houses is estimated at 800 dollars. However, there is some variation in price in terms of size and design.

Judson Baymont, the owner of Straight Line Design, the founder of those campers, told the media, 'One day my daughter asked me to make a house for the puppies. Then after building that house, the idea of making this camper entered my mind. But even though those houses are made for dogs, all kinds of animals can live in those houses, according to designer Straight Line.

Read more about Dogs House.

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