The Dhaka Times
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The verdict of Saeedee's appeal will be announced tomorrow

The Dhaka Times Desk The Appellate Division has decided the verdict of the appeal filed by Jamaat leader Delawar Hossain Saeedee, who was sentenced to death by the war crimes tribunal in the case of crimes against humanity, on Wednesday.


On Tuesday, the website of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court reported that the case has been set aside for hearing in the Wednesday proceedings. Criminal Appeal (A) 39/2013, the Appellate Division website said. Delaware Hossain Saidi v Chief Prosecutor International Criminal Tribunal, Dhaka.

Before this, charges were formed against Jamaat leader Delawar Hossain Saeedee in the International Criminal Tribunal in 1971, showing 20 crimes of murder, abduction, rape, torture, looting, arson, conversion etc. In that case, the court found eight charges against Saeedi beyond doubt. As a result, the court sentenced him to death by hanging on the gallows for all the crimes. At the same time, the tribunal acquitted him of the other 12 charges brought against Saeedi as they were not proved.

Meanwhile, the state side appealed against this verdict to give death penalty in only one case, although 8 charges were proved. On the other hand, Saeedi filed an appeal seeking acquittal after canceling the death penalty verdict of the tribunal.

It is to be noted that after the verdict in this case on February 28 last year, anarchic situation was created in the country by spreading rumors on the microphone and various riots. This case will be decided on appeal tomorrow as a result of which the common people are fearing the deterioration of law and order in the country.

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