The Dhaka Times
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Turin Afroz unconscious on the way back after hearing Saeedee's verdict!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the verdict of Jamaat leader Delaware Hossain Saeedee was announced on Wednesday morning, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal, Barrister Turin Afroz, suddenly fainted while returning to his chamber.


International Criminal Tribunal Prosecutor Barrister Turin Afroz told reporters his opinion and opinion on the verdict after the verdict on the appeal of Jamaat leader Delawar Hussain Saeedee, who was convicted of war crimes, was announced on Wednesday morning. At this time, he is seen agitated.

Jan suddenly fainted in front of the Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association on his way back to Turin Afroz after talking to the journalists. At that time, the present lawyers and journalists caught him and put him in a car and he was taken to a hospital in Dhaka.

Turin Afroze is currently acting as the lead lawyer in all cases against humanity as the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal. Before this, there was a storm of discussion in the media about various issues including the theft of information from the personal computer of Turin Afroz's own room.

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